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I currently have Skywatcher 25mm & 10mm eyepieces that came with purchase of SW 150PL, which re not very good and therefore later supplemented with 6mm and 32 mm wide angle plössls which I now use almost exclusively. In addition I have a x2 Skywatcher Barlow which also came with the SW scope and I mainly use with with a DSLR camera to get focus + some viewing occasionally - it works but the quality isn't great.

Two questions:

1. I'd like to upgrade the Barlow probably for another x2 (not sure if >x2 would be too much) but better quality, without breaking the bank.  Ideas?   

2. For centering etc would also like to get an illuminated, wireless reticle.  Again, any thoughts? Was looking at this  http://www.scsastro.co.uk/catalogue/orion-20mm-illuminated-centering-eyepiece.htm?gclid=Cj0KEQjwh96hBRCnsefbvZrKrpcBEiQAF7oMdB6PjQ6nqD4h58d5bvzxlMfXKz-Qsbif0BjjjNoI-7EaAkKx8P8HAQ


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1. I'd like to upgrade the Barlow probably for another x2 (not sure if >x2 would be too much) but better quality, without breaking the bank. Ideas?

I can't comment on the reticle, but I can recommend the Tal Barlow of you can get one second hand from eg


Another option is the Revelation ED though I don't have one so can't comment on quality. Failing that there is always televue but prices go up quite quickly for green and black stuff

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Hi all:) I've been a long time star gazer but just bought my first scope.. if I should start a new thread for this question just lmk;) I bought a Coleman 500x114 reflector and like it so far. It came with a super 10&20 eyepiece.. are there any other eyepiece sizes that are practical to have with this scope?

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