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TAK FSQ & Adapters

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I thought I'd bought all the equipment I'd need, but after days of being unable to figure out how to use my reducer, I realized parts were missing, 2 to be exact. One to connect the CCD to the reducer and one to alter the adapter size on the CCD. Two pieces of metal at $200USD per. To anybody considering an FSQ for both visual and AP work, set aside a couple grand for this never ending stream of bits you'll need. Between the weather and the never ending spending my sense of humor is shot. Heavy sigh. This was supposed to be fun.

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Hehheh, cheer up! I know the feeling, though. Not everything has to be from Tak. I got my bits from Texas Nautical and had to pay customs and freight to Europe so you have it easy! It didn't come to a couple of grand for me. More like a couple or three hundred. Things like the Tak finder are a potty price. Astro jewellery. My finder consists of squinting along the tube rings....

Once you get it all going you'll know what fun is. Promise!


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Yeah I wanted to use my FSQ for some visual looking around and read good things about the extender q taking it to f8. I'll let you know if it's worth messing with. It's looking very promising for very clear sky's and perfect temps on Thursday night for my first light. Also a star party with the local club on Saturday. I really hope the fun begins...

I've heard from TAK concerning the use of the Quark solar device and I'm a bit tempted... Extending the use of my equipment to daytime hours sounds like it might be worth it. See how this weekend goes first. Really gotta stop with the spending... It's messing with my serenity

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The Taks are air spaced and, indeed widely spaced, no?


You would know far better than me Olly, but from what I have just read, yes the rear element is air spaced with quite a wide gap. Still a good plan to get it in writing though!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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My "final" adapters arrived.... $200 for this dinky tiny piece o nothing?!?!

Smug grin at owning a lathe... :)  I hardly think about that type of thing, I just make 'em as I need 'em.

[grin fades when I realise how much I spent on tools... ]


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