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NGC 7293

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Hi everyone. Today our kids are returning to Norway, and I'm preparing for tonight with clear skies and finally some peace in the house again. I have a 150P, eye pieces from 25 to 10. When using SkyX First light edition, the nebula NGC 7293 looks like an interesting bit of piece to explore. Anyone else had a look at this nebula? What could I expect to see with my set up? Do not plan to take pictures tonight.


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I have a sketch but haven't scanned it in. Nevertheless, I recall that it is a big PN and on some nights, its brightness is just a little above that of the sky. You're going to want to keep magnification low. I was using the 24mm Panoptic giving me about 50x and the UHC-S filter did help to some extent. Be patient with this one. There's no evidence that Messier, nor the great observer, Herschel ever observed this huge, whispy gem.

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So far I've had a brief look at Uranus with rings, 10 mm + Barlow x 2. GOTO not aligned, forgot to charge battery, and there is absolutely more reading before I can enjoy the advantages...... 

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You'll be doing amazingly well to spot the Helix with a big moon washing out all but the brightest DSO.

Uranus is always a pleasure though. Getting the as many of the moons as you can is a good challenge.


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Moon just appeared, but my wife confirms my eyes' OK ;-) At least for now. But haven't found my nebula yet........ Mars looks great, 28 C outside, clear skies, and the kids left for Europe for a couple of hours ago 

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