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Updating info on forum

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There is a set time period for editing your post (about 10 minutes but you do need a set post count to be able to edit), to update you can either start a new topic and state the word "update" in the title to let people know it an update to a previous thread or you simply enter you updated report in a new window within the same thread.

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Don't think you can add to the original thread after running out of editing time, Sirius. This is understandable, for in a sense a thread is like an conversation, something akin to the Socratic method based on inquiry and discussion. By going back at a later date and changing or adding to the original conversation-starter would probably change the parameters of 'debate' and thus render the responses a little beclouded at best. Those who replied would also need the opportunity to change their responses inturn and the thread would probably become quite confused. Better, then, just add to the conversation or if the discussion takes a different line of thought, rather than derail the thread, you could just start a new one :grin:

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Looks like you are asking if you can add to an old thread, rather than edit the original post. If so, the answer is 'yes' and by adding a new post to the end, the thread will pop back to the top of the board - it is sorted by date of last post rather than first post.

One thing, though - 'bouncing' a thread back to the top without adding anything of merit is considered poor etiquette!

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