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Under a bright moon.....what can I photograph


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Last night I thought.......the moon is a bit bright to continue my deep sky training for imaging (my results are still bad- I've not even trained PEC correction yet!)

So I decided to have a go at the core of M31. I only used a 60 second exposure at F7 0n the edge HD using the Atik 490 OSC at 1x1 binning (just to preserve the colour information)

This is the raw result. I'm still playing around so I'm not too fussed with taking flats to remove the artifacts or totally round stars. That will come when i've trained PEC & sorted out my auto guider which is on order. There is so much to do with the scope & no time and not enough clear skies but a tlast I feel I'm making progress with concepts forming in my head.


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You can actually capture all narrowband even under the brightest of moons. Simply because they cut through LP like hot knife through butter.

My friend does this on a regular basis when capturing Ha & Hb spectrum.

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