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Maxim DL & Focusmax unattended focusing


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Is there a way to tell Maxim to refocus on every x shot using Focusmax?

Just got kit (robofocus) all set up and only so much I can learn in a day so trying to avoid having to set up CCD Commander Sequence Tonight.

Thought might be a script or similar out there but investigations this far drawn  blank, any help appreciated otherwise will be a long night!

Current plan is to set up FM.

Try a few tests shots - if I get this far will consider a good evening!

Then if all working would like to set up a sequence with periodic refocus - without bringing in a third party application.

If not I will have to wing it and try and prepare a script later.

Appreciate your time.



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Paddy, I don't think Maxim and FM can talk to each other without a 3rd party software of some sort. As you know, I use CCD Commander, others use Seq Generator Pro, both cost around £50 or so, and each are excellent value for money since they are packages that offer a lot more than just the ability to automate focus at repeated intervals. For narrowband refocsuing, you may need to move to an adjacent field to pick up a magnitude 4 star, otherwise FM will struggle - this is where these automation packages score since they will pause the guider, do this slew, refocus, and then will slew back with a plate solve to get the accuracy needed.

There is a free package I believe called Maxpilote that claims to do likewise - I've not tried it myself, but it could suit your needs. Having said all this, maybe somebody skilled with IT could write a simple script to link Maxim & FM, since these automation software packages are script based anyhow.


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Cheers Martin, I have all your previous info which is absolutely the route I will go.  But might be a bit much to manage in one night so just wondered if there was a mechanism in Maxim DL - but that's what you get for thinking such and expensive application that manages imaging runs and includes focuser option would link the two entities together! 

The scripting bit can not be that hard, albeit beyond my capabilities :grin: (loosely translates to simply don't have the time to research).  FM does provide a list of commands in their help files - sounds like an initiative test might be needed with one of my developers - have a few new ones coming on board who need to write some interfaces and this would fit that bracket - wonder if I can persuade others this is a valid test exercise!!

Will stick with manual FM and short runs tonight unless I surprise myself and figure out CCD Commander in next 2 hours - less time for dinner.

Thanks again Martin.


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