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Veil Nebula

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Having a lot of fun with this one. :)


135mm Super-Takumar lens at f3.5 (wide open) on a modded Canon 100D on my EQ3-2. 6 x 120 second subs (12 minutes total). No flats or darks.

Messed around with the curves to bring out the Veil a little more and applied noise reduction and sharpened a little in (Canon) Digital Photo Professional. Unsurprisingly there is a fair bit of noise in the background. Gave Hasta La Vista Green a try for the first time and it's helped compared the previous version, but has left the sky with a purplish cast. Guess I'd need a lot more data to sort this out properly. Might have a go at selecting the background separately from the Veil and reducing its saturation if I can.

Modded camera and LP filter are now essential purchases for me, I just need to work out what to get.

If anyone wanted a play with it I'd be happy put the subs and stacked .tif on Dropbox. Would be very interested to see what could be done with it.

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