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Autostakkert! Stacking a long .avi that's been split into seperate files


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So I took a 2000 frame long capture at high resolution, but there must be a file size limit so it has split into 4 seperate .avi files.  This must be simple, but can anyone tell me how I can either combine them into one, or stack each one separately then stack the 4 output .TIF files?

Many thanks

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I wouldn't do such long avis on the Sun. The solar features move quickly (convection cells can be born and die in five minutes).  Long avis will tend to smear the details.

I now shoot about 350 frames and stack about 50.  That gives me the sharpest images, as long as the seeing is good.

The Moon is a different kettle of fish. 2000+ frame avis are the order of the day there, but that is because the features are static.

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