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I would suggest stripping down the one you have and removing the skywatcher 'grease' (it's really a push to call it that as it more closely resembles glue).

Apply some silicone grease and see if it's any better.

I drilled mine and fitted a couple of bolts to be able to lock the focuser.

I also removed some surplus plastic to increase the focuser travel.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I agree. The grease is awful. Would operate much better if they had used bostic. Even on the mount. Think i will give it a go. Not

that practical really. But if it looks like i can manage will give it a go.

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Wasn't there a post about a 2 speed conversion for the Skywatcher focuser about 4 months back?

Think I mentioned the GSO 2 speed conversion and someone put a link to a real live Skywatcher 2 speed conversion kit.

No idea about the price however.

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