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Astro photography kit?

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Hi everyone,

ive got a Celestron LT 76AZ and a Nikon D3200, I know theres certain adapters and bits and bobs I need to attach the camera to the viewfinder of the scope, but its all confusing! can anyone tell me exactly what I need to get?


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The minimum you will need is a t-ring to suit your camera http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/t-rings.html and a 1.25" t adapter http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/flo-125-inch-t-mount-camera-adapter.html . You might also need barlow lens if you cannot reach focus. The camera adapter fits directly into the focusing tube of the telescope, replacing the eyepiece. Other things you will need are a remote shutter release, so that you don't have to touch the camera to take a shot and probably a great deal of patience . The lightweight LTAZ mount isn't ideal for astrophotography so you will be limited to relatively short exposures  for DSO imaging before field rotation becomes apparent in your images. The telescope will also need to be carefully balanced with the added weight of the camera. 

If this is the one http://www.amazon.co.uk/Celestron-LT-76AZ-Astromaster-Telescope-Black/dp/B007DJZHMW then DSO imaging might be even harder. Without any tracking the exposures will need to be very short.

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