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Quick Bino Observing session and a treat


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I've been so enveloped with my telescope lately that I almost forgot how much I love my binoculars.  I was getting ready to turn in early one night last week and went out to park my car, and noticed how dark and clear the sky above Winnipeg was at the time.  So I thought, maybe I should just go and grab my 15 x 70s and take a quick peek.  They had just finished fogging for mosquitos so I knew I wouldn't get eaten alive, so I took my binos, sat down in a lawn chair and decided to focus on the stars of the summer triangle, deneb, vega, and altair. 

While I was observing these stars I saw several satellites orbit over and then as I turned to observe altair, a meteorite streaked by overhead, very bright and green.  This is the first time I've actually seen one that close and bright in my binoculars.  It was a nice treat for a quick observing session.

Thought I'd share. 


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