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problem with Registax

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the other night I did a run on the moon using my ASI with the idea to do a mosaic
I took 20 individual video's at 800 x 640 and processed them through PIPP which went fine
but when I try to stack them in Registax its heavily cropping the area its processing
I've checked its not the crop area in the wavelets section and the image is fine until I move the wavelets
then it only has effect on part of the image

I'm sure I've stacked bigger images than this from my canon in video mode

and I've not changed any settings from my normal processing setup

any idea's ??

attached pic of the issue


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What you have there is the preview box for wavelets - as said just do a "Do All" and Registax will apply your settings to the whole image.  If you want the preview box to be set over a different area simply click on the centre of the area you want the preview to appear before you adjust any wavelets (useful for full frame DSLR stacks).

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