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star trails

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Hi all, iv been trying to photograph star trails lately but with no joy, iv read loads of tutorials but still dont get it right?

When trying I have gone as low as iso 100 but still after 5 minutes sub the picture comes out over exposed?

I was wondering, do you get the trails by taking shorter exposures and lots of them, then when stacking it gives the trail effect?

Iv read in articles ....the longer the exposure, the longer the trails, but when I do long exposures it comes out over exposed?

Any advice would be great,



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You have too much light pollution for very long exposures so you need to take a number of shorter correctly exposed images and then blend them in software, something like the Startrails.exe linked to above is fine. Some other tips you might find useful are here http://www.photosbykev.com/wordpress/2014/01/18/star-trail-photography/

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