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2nd attempt - modding SPC900nc questions

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I've been reading several modding techniques posted in this forum, dead bug, usb-hub etc

"Dead-bug" method is simple enough for me since I have no electrial/electronic background. My questions are

1. On/Off switch is used to toggle normal/LX mode, what is the LX line connected to computer parallel (or parallel-to-USB) port used for ???

2. I only use this webcam for Alignment and Tracking. Do I need 2 software program, one is to recognize the camera and capture the life images and another to control LX signal (this is where I got confused with the function of the on/off switch). Can you please name a few software I can use for this, either licensed or free.

3. Let's say I'd like 2s exposure, do I turn on/off the switch manually to achieve this or control via software?

Thanks heaps.

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Hi, The Switch is used for toggling (choosing) between normal webcam mode or long exposure mode, the LX wire connects to the computer so the software sends a signal down it to trigger the long exposure.

Only one software program is needed, if you intend to use the webcam for guiding try PHD, for normal image capture wxAstrocapture or Sharpcap each of these programs have the ability to send the long exposure signal once correctly configured.

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I have not used PHD before, so I suppose the PHD will recognize the camera through the USB connection, but somehow it knows how to send LX signal to the camera via the parallel port ? (this is where I got confused :huh:  )

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