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An annoying, but yet rewarding moment :)


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I was waiting for this to happen on day and last night it did. Whenever I put my UHC filter in some of my BST eyepieces I always feels there is a bit of grinding going on, not a very snug fit. Last night I managed to somehow put it in at a slight angle and it firmly seized up, can happen easily in the dark. Took me a good part of 10 minutes to get it out with a lot of force, but glad I did and no damage done.  I doubt the threads on the BSTs will last for many more years at the rate they are going.  As it happens the UHC I own is not one the more expensive ones. I'd be highly annoyed if I had an 100 pounds filter and could not get it out, plus, it can't be doing the filter that much good having to force it.  It is not that the filter thread doesn't work on the BST, just go to be that much more careful when screwing it in.

A reminder that this is where build quality of premium eyepieces really shine through. When I ever I put the same filter in a Radian or pentax eyepiece it just goes in smoothly, and only ever one way, without that feeling it will ever go in at the wrong angle, and that the threads will last for years on the eyepiece.

I am sure you all have that moment at times when you wonder are some of those  expensive items worth it at times ?. I had that very rewarding  moment that told me another big yes :grin:.  

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Glad you were able to free it up. This is one aspect that I get a bit anxious about, when it is dark and your fingers might be a bit numb, undertaking what is a delicate operation. My own preference is to attach the filter but once, so I screw it onto the nose piece of the extension tube and so can interact among eyepieces at will. I think that I did (thoroughly) rub in a tiny amount of lithium grease from a small tube with a paper towel into the extension thread some time back to help ease the filter so help avoid  just such a scenario you describe. Though grease and Lumicon filters aren't really a good combination of course.

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