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Using Orion StarShoot Solar System Color Imaging Camera IV with Meade ETX 90

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I recently purchased the telescope and camera listed in the topic title.  Using a 26mm eyepiece, I was able to view saturn, but when switching out the eyepiece for the camera, there was no image of Saturn at all (not even an area of light on the screen).  It didn't even look like the camera was viewing anything.  (I used the camera during the day to view mountains so it definitely does work).  I was wondering if anyone could explain what type of magnification the camera has and provide any advice on working the camera.  I am extremely new to this so it may be a simple adjustment that I am not doing.  


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I recently purchased the telescope and camera listed in the topic title.  Using a 26mm eyepiece, I was able to view saturn, but when switching out the eyepiece for the camera, there was no image of Saturn at all (not even an area of light on the screen).  It didn't even look like the camera was viewing anything.  (I used the camera during the day to view mountains so it definitely does work).  I was wondering if anyone could explain what type of magnification the camera has and provide any advice on working the camera.  I am extremely new to this so it may be a simple adjustment that I am not doing.  


There are a few possibilties. Were you in focus when you changed to the imager? The focus point of an EP and a CCD imare markedly different. Was the object on the sensor? A 26mm EP is quite wide compared to the very small sensor of the imager, it is best to use a high powered EP to center the target first. Was the gain of the camera high enogh to register the target? If both the gain of the camera and the focus are incorrect then nothing will show on the screen, best to turn the gain as high as possible first and then adjust as necessary.


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Thanks so much for the quick response and suggestions.  I had the camera on it's default settings other than increasing to the max resolution for my computer.  I did not try the 9mm eyepiece but the object was somewhat centered.  I'll definately try these adjustments tonight.  After focusing with a 9mm eyepiece and then switching it out for the camera (with the gain level high), do I then use the telescope focus knob to adjust the image showing on the screen and then use the camera settings to adjust the clarity? 

If there are any other suggestions regarding specific adjustments that may help produce a decent image, don't hesitate to post!


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Focus first and then adjust the settings. Also what I do is after getting focus I take a fine tip sharpie and mark the focus tube. Then you know where focus is and next time you use the camera all you have to do is find the mark and fine tune it.

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I've been having troubles with this same camera.  I did have success shooting Mars, in the end with a 6mm eyepiece to centre Mars, then switching to the camera.  However there is a big gotcha.  It seems that the "automatic" exposure control, which I can't seem to turn off, fails completely when the target object is too small.   I want to use this as an auto-guide camera, but even pointing at Arcturus, with it bang in the middle of the frame, I get a blank image.  Defocus the star, and it suddenly appears.  Focus it down tight, and it vanishes.

I've put in a question to the Orion web site today.  Will let you know if I get an answer.

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I got a response from Orion.  Here's the suggestion, in case it helps anyone.  Haven't tried it yet...

Turning auto white off and moving the red and blue sliders may help.

I hope you are using very bright stars. The chip in this camera isn’t really for detecting dim objects.

Please see pages 12 – 15 for tips on using the SolarSystem IV camera.

Clear skies and good observing,
Rich N.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got this camera today, June 19, 2014......kind of sorry I got it.  Spent 2.5 hours trying to get ANYTHING to show up on my screen.  My spotting scope is nearly dead on and I ensured the planets (Saturn, Mars and Jupiter) were dead center in the telescope using a 9.7mm and a 2X 3 element barlow.......nothing but black screen.  Total disappointment!  I imagine maybe if people have a camera/GPS electronic guidescope it might work great for but manual knob users......not so much.  I'll probalby end up returning it and getting a refund....I love astronomy but I refuse to work at it this much for nothing in return and I have no money for a multi-thousand set-up with a camera or GPS guided system!!!

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