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Mars eyes


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I thought I had it made tonight,the scopes were cooled and the rain had stopped, leaving a nice light cloud to help the seeing.And help it did,the view of Mars was good in the VX10..... I saw a pair of brownish black 'eyes" looking back at me :smiley: not sure what these features are,but this is not uncommon for me.Cap was bright,no hellas frosting,but there was a nice bright limb "glaze" happening.

Then the dang trees got in the way,so off I went carrying my scopes off the deck to the grass in great anticipation of more Mars detail-and.....in the 10 minutes it took to move my scopes the sky had cleared and the seeing was so bad I thought the scopes were shot. :sad: Fighting heavy dew from the grass site...scopes are soaked.....

The little while of good seeing made all this worth it though-saw a couple new things tonight :smiley:

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