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T-Ring/Adapter - but what about adding a Barlow? or filter?

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Does anyone know if I can pair up a T-ring and DSLR adapter along WITH a barlow lens or a filter? I'm asking because I was intending on attempting to shoot Saturn on my first night out, and I wouldn't mind magnifying it AND it appears so bright that I feel like a filter might help dim in a bit to get better quality photos. Any thoughts? I'm a newbie. I might be way wrong on this.

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A Tele Vue Powermate does that. Careful if you buy an older one. Not all of them come apart to add the T-Ring. I use my 5x all the time for planetary.

What does this do exactly? A barlow/filter in one??!?

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As already said some barlows come threaded for use with a T ring other types of adapters e.g. 2" extension, camera adapter, FF/FR are often threaded for use with a filter but its not normal to have a barlow and filter in use at the same time.

Adding a barlow will reduce the brightness of a planet anyway so it can easily be controlled by shutter speed/ISO.


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