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Couple of niggles.

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Bought my first scope and it's the popular astromaster 130EQ MD. The guy had set it up once and never bothered again so I was able to purchase it for £90 plus a small delivery charge and as it's a starter scope it really finished any arguments there and then.

The problem I have is the seating for the tightening screw on the dec. slow motion control, I cannot seem to get it tightened enough and it ends up travelling, the RA seems fine and perhaps when I attach the motor that too will fine but I had no intention of attaching the motor at this early stage. Has anyone a bodge for this?

Only two lens and one of those is the 20mm erector plus a 10mm. Haven't been able to get out yet but as I'm sort of feeling my way around do I Barlow these two or go larger for that wider view of the sky, which would seem the intuitive thing to do. Also when I Barlow do I go x2 or x3, which do the members think gives me the greater flexibility, or do I get a Barlow before any other lens?

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Are you tightening the screw against the flat area that is on the shaft of the drives?

As yu are feeling your way around do not jump ito buying accessories such as EP's just yet. Get used to what you have. and then add one or maybe two other lenses plus a 2x barlow. 3x would make it too easy to exceed the max magnification on your scope. About 260x would be a max and only with good seeing.

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When I bought my 6SE I also went and bought the Celestron EP Kit.

I only use a couple of them and have gradually worked up a better kit from individual buys.

I will keep the EP kit though as it will do for star parties when I take part and camping trips where keeping kit pristine is a challenge.

The price you paid for your 130 is pretty good and it will allow you to build experience. If you are near an astro club, join it and of course take the scope along. Then you can borrow on the night other EP's to see how well they work for you, as well as getting good advice.

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