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scope recommendations please

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Can someone recommend a scope in the 120 aperture range please? I can't afford much over $1100 on the scope alone and i'll use it mainly for observing but would like to try some astrophotography on my fav subjects as well such as M42, M45, M35 etc? I already have the Celestron AVX mount.


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Yes, the memory still works. :grin: :grin:  When I read this I thought you were looking at a WO-71.

Checked the other WO's and they seem to have increased in cost.

Brandt, as Neil is in East Bay, California, I doubt many Altair's will make it over there and even less on the used side. However I suspect the lens is used in other scopes.

You will always have the problem of US scopes and UK scopes, we see different ones, I think while looking I saw a very nice Stellarvue 90mm triplet, possibly an Astro-Tech.

You are unfortunately the wrong side of the US to pay a visit to NEAF on April 12+13. Equally visiting there could clean out several bank accounts in 1 day. Any astro fairs on the West side in the next few weeks.

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"Brant, Neil is in East Bay, California"

Thanks I didn't notice that I must admit. :)

I have made that mistake so many times that I now always check the location if given.

Do get a bit annoyed if no sensible location, as something relevant helps a lot.

Still miss other bits and make an idiot of myself, usually about 3/4 way through a reply I realise I have it wrong.

Tend the read the original post now 3 or 4 times to be sure.

Playing "safe" I then tend to select the text, delete it, and then hit the back button.

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