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First lunar attempts with DSLR


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I have a few lunar pics from my old scope and mount using a glorified webcam. Tonight I got a few images with my new C6N and VX mount. Still learning Backyard EOS but I like the results so far. Getting ready for the eclipse next month. 



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Hi Matt,

Cracking efforts mate :)

A little constructive criticism if thats OK.

The first image is over exposed, just drop the exposure down a bit and you'll have a great image. Are you capturing in RAW mode (if your not you should do)?

I've had a bit of a play (levels) and a little sharpen.

The second image looks well exposed, but could do with some fine tuning on the focusing front.

Eclipse? must look that up.




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Was the first time using the planetary mode on BYEOS. Learned a few things since then so that should help lol. Yep there is an eclipse next month. FIrst of 2 for this year if I remember right.


Looks like the one in April should be pretty good from here. 

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