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Celestron SLT Mount Question

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Hi, I have recently aquired a Celestron SLT mount, and wondered if it is supposed to move freely up and down, it seems to locate and track fine but the second any weight (even looking through the eyepiece) is put on it, it moves and you have to relocate whatever you were looking at.

I tried putting a DSLR on the back but all this does is make the scope point straight up, I am not bothered about the photography side of it as I have other plans for this.

Is it supposed to be as loose as it is or is it faulty?

Thank you for your help

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It will move in up/down direction but it should be quite stiff and not move on its own. There is a large nut in the centre of the section where the scope mounts. Try tightening this with a spanner. You should be able to get it quite tight but don't over do it.

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It will move in up/down direction but it should be quite stiff and not move on its own. There is a large nut in the centre of the section where the scope mounts. Try tightening this with a spanner. You should be able to get it quite tight but don't over do it.

This did it thank you, didn't want to try it incase I broke it, but took the tube off and the nut was quite loose and could be turned by hand so figured it must be that.

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