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Meet the manager of historic Washburn Observatory


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My dad found this on my towns public library website:

The Antigo Public Library Foundation is pleased to bring Prof. Jim Lattis, the manager of historic Washburn Observatory, to introduce you to the spring stars, the planet Jupiter, a prominent feature in the evening sky, and the total lunar eclipse expected later this spring.
Mr. Lattis, Ph.D., teaches astronomy at UW-Madison and gives frequent public talks and media interviews, including on National Public Radio.
Prof. Lattis will present this program in the library's McGinley Room beginning at 6:30 p.m. We will then move to a nearby city park where we will have the opportunity to view the evening skies with telescopes beginning around 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served during the interim break. The adjournment to the park will only be a 5 minute walk from the library, in the small park area behind Lakeside Pharmacy.
Prof. Lattis' program is made possible through the UW-Speakers Bureau and the APL Foundation.
Good things I have Sundays off otherwise I would have to call in sick to work. Not all the time I have the chance to meet a professor who teaches astronomy at the biggest college in the state. Should be interesting. Weather permitting there will be a viewing of the sky in a nearby park. Wonder what kind of scopes he will have. 
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Looks like a good place, suppose Observatory Dive is a bit of a clue.

Is Observatory Drive Scenic Overlook scenic?

Just reading that close by is the parking lot for Badger Football.

Is "Badger Football" not considered a cruel sport? :eek:

How do you roll them into a ball and stop them unrolling and running away? :rolleyes:

OK, time to stop winding up our US friends. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Enjoy the evening.

Ooh, that was post 3900.

In 100 I metamorphosize I think into something else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it is a clear night, and since he is driving almost 3 hours from Madison, I wonder what kind of scopes he will bring. I'm thinking they will be smaller and more portable. Would it be rude to let him use my 10" dob?

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If he is travelling then anything he brings will have to go in a car, even if a big car/SUV. Also possible, even probable, that he will load up more then 1.

If unsure about the 10" just say that it is available if he needs/wants to use it.

That way the decision is his.

Since transporting SCT/Maks and refractors is simpler to know that a dobsonian is available could be relevant.

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Was a pretty nice evening. About 30 people showed up. (none owned telescopes) He went through the basics of finding the 3 major planets of this month and went into a little detail of the eclipse in April.

After the presentation we moved to a small park about 2 blocks away from the library. He brought with him a Celestron CPC 925. Or thats what I think he brought. I never did ask what it was but looking online that's what I found.

Clouds were patchy and after a while he got the scope aligned and let us view Jupiter. I must say that I was impressed at the view with this scope. I asked what EP he had in and he told me it was 40mm. If this was the case I was very impressed at the view it gave.

All in all it was a good night. He had a handout that was free and it was the history of astronomy in Wisconsin. I have not read the whole thing yet as it actually a small book but it sounds like we have had some good contributions to the science.

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