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Anyone had any experience modifying a 3COM Home Connect ?

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Thanks to all those who gave me advice with a power pack. Now, like all newbies, I've had my first taste of spotting Jupiter, trawling across the surface of the moon, and want to try my hand at capturing some images. I've played around with various webcams, thus far unsuccessfully, mostly, I think, because the CMOS chips are just not up to the low light. As and when the usual recommended webcams come up, it's a bit a like a feeding frenzy, so as soon as buers on eBay see the words "Toucam" or "SPC900", the bidding goes bananas. I saw another thread which suggested the 3COM HomeConnect webcam, which uses CCD instead of CMOS. I've managed to source one, but am reluctant to start ripping it apart without at least some guidance.

So.... anyone had any experience with these ? I've also managed to find a source that claims to be able to provide a driver that will enable it with Windows 8, so I'm hunting for guidance on how to pull the little [removed word] apart.

Anyone out there with the knowledge ?

Ta again.

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I've got all the required bits: jeweller's screwdrivers, 2lb lump hammer, various swear words to use when I drop the tiny screws onto a patterned floor, that sort of thing. Don't suppose you recall the site for disassembly ?

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I've got all the required bits: jeweller's screwdrivers, 2lb lump hammer, various swear words to use when I drop the tiny screws onto a patterned floor, that sort of thing. Don't suppose you recall the site for disassembly ?

It wasn't even that, I'm afraid.  Just a random comment from someone who had disassembled one.


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