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Storing a scope outside.

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Been observing the past few nights and not actually modified my shed roof just yet so the scope is still in and out the house.

Anyway noticed a heavy amount of condensation builds up on the scope after bringing in to the warm..(naturally).

Main question is can you leave a scope permanently fixed in an observatory no matter what the temperature drops to with out damage.

moisture, freezing temperatures (-5below)

spent a bob or two on it and don't wanna take the risk of damage through ignorance.

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I think telescopes are more robust than many people think.  After all, in a night of heavy dew, scopes can end up streaming with moisture.

I have a Celestron CPC 9.25 and leave it out in my run off  observatory.  My observatory leaks water in a couple of places so it can get quite damp inside, though no water falls on the scope in the middle of the observatory.  When I've finished observing I wipe the scope with a cloth if it has moisture on it and put a cotton towel over the drive base and one on top of the optical tube.  I then put a cover over the whole thing.

So far I've not problems with it - or previous scopes I have treated in the same fashion.

Personally, I don't think it's worth worrying too much as long as reasonable precautions are taken.  If we worried too much, we'd never enjoy using our scopes - which, after all, is what we have them for.

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