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Images getting gradually worse, collimation error maybe?

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Hey Everyone,

The past few night my images have been gradually getting worse and i think its my collimation but when looking through the collimator it looks ok. so im sure im doing something wrong here. it looks like im getting double stars everywhere the polar alignment looked ok and i used a focusing mask so i know the focus was ok..  

ive put some photos up below so any suggestions will be really appreciated 




Thanks :)

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I'm no expert but that looks like vibration when the shutter goes etc. could just be trailing stars due to exposure / tracking.

It could be coming from the mount, the tripod or even where you have the tripod situated. If I set mine up on the decking I have to use a remote and after the first exposure after walking away it seems fine.

If it was collimation then I would suspect it wouldn't be double stars but more of a blurred image. The images have picked up movement of some sort which either has to be the subject moving (as in earth rotation to exposure time) or movement in the equipment.

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Thanks Paul ill give it a try setting it up in a different place, i was on slabs but maybe one of them was loose or something.. i haven't got mirror lock-up on so maybe that will help also. 


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A good test also is something with very short exposure times like the moon at 1/200 as there should be no chance of vibration etc to register.

If that is clear you know it is not the scope itself.

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thats a good idea with the moon i will use that also in the future :)   RedDwarf im using a shutter release cable at the moment i used to set them on a timer but its a pain in the Bottom. 

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