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SW 200P dob - built in filter threads modification


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I found a quick solution for swapping over moon filters into different eyepieces in the dark.

Retro fit some filter threads into the SkyWatcher focus tube.

Unscrew the sleeve from an old eyepiece (or Barlow if it is threaded).

Cut it in half with an angle grinder - you only need about 10mm of threads.

Glue it into the bottom of the standard Skywatcher 1.25-inch adapter tube.

Leave at least 40mm clearance inside the tube for your longest eyepiece sleeve.

With enough threads sticking out of the adaptor to get your fingers onto the filter, but not so much that it sticks out into the optical path.

I had about 5mm of the threads in, and 5mm out. Leaving 45mm clearance inside.

This is a lazy mans way to swap over your eyepieces on a busy night of lunar observations.

Fit the correct Moon filter once, then forget about it.

To do the modification

Cut the brass (or stainless steel) sleeve in half, and glue it into the SkyWatcher adapter.                      The Barlow can be used as normal / the moon filter can be used all night without wearing the threads out.

ex.JPG ext.JPG

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