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VirtualDub video ratio problems


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I have a Sony Cybershot camera which takes MP4 movies sized 1440x1080 (16:9 ratio).

When I Ioad one of these movies taken of Jupiter into VirtualDub, the planet looks slightly squashed. I can correct how it appears on the screen by changing the "aspect ratio" option to 16:9.

However, when I export the video as a BMP image file sequence (so I can then load it into PCFE to centre the planet image), the exported BMP files are of the same "squashed" ratio as how the video initially appears in VirtualDub.

Does anyone know why this happens and how I can export the files with the correct image ratio? I realise I could use editing software to resize the images, but I guess this would involve some quality loss.

Thanks for any help.

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Thanks for the reply.  I've had a look at PIPP, but it looks a bit complicated for the basic tasks I use VirtualDub for (I try to keep things as simple as possible).

Fortunately I've found a solution to the problem I mentioned, so thought I'd post it here in case anyone else runs into the same issue.

All I had to do was select "Ask for extended options after this dialog" when opening the MP4 file, then mark the "Adjust pixel aspect ratio" checkbox.  This made the video load with the correct ratio :smiley:.

I should add that I'm using the "FFMpeg Input Plugin" (downloaded from here) to be able to open MP4 files, as VirtualDub won't open them without it.

Perhaps this info will be useful for someone... (who knows :tongue:)


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