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Opportunity to join group to operate remote observatory at SRO

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I have a well equipped RoR observatory here in Cornwall (perhaps not the best place in the UK!). But when I saw this opportunity I jumped at it. So far there are 5/6 of us planning for the first year to have a setup hosted at the Sierra Remote Observatory. It may then stay there or move to a RoR observatory planned by one of the members in New Mexico.

Promised at the moment is a setup with TAK 106FSQ, Paramount ME, Takometer rotator, QSI683wsg-8 with LodeStar guider and Astrodon filters

For longer focal length scopes there could be a Celestron 8HD or an AT10RC

The aim is to take good long total exposures via ACP on group agreed targets. The subs would be exclusive to the group but each member would be free to do as he/she wished with their final processed image.

There would  be a commitment for a years costs upfront to get the group started to pay for ACP & Schedluler, remote computer, UPS etc. With the shared $900/month hosting charge for the minimum group of 8 this would amount to in the region of $2000

Any serious imagers who would be interested in joining email me for further details

John Noble 

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