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Finally clear skies

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Set up my nxstr 90gt, aligned with Jupiter, now we're ready to rock n roll....saw Jupiter's 4/5 moons!!!!! Next stop Mars..of course hubby s comment was "it is red"...skeptic, lovable...then we waited and waited and finally...Saturn....rings and ahhh.....Mizar, polaris....sirus...couldn't quiet do the nebulas...darn nxstar is off, even after alignment..oh well I just love the skies..night y'all

Keep looking up

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First clear sky's hear in a long time, Managed to get my Dob out for a couple of hours last night  at last Just in the Garden hear, with some light pollution still  :grin: ,

Looking forward to getting out into the forest dark sky's again now soon,  :smiley:

 Jupiter, Mars, Pollux, Arcturus, Regulus, M5, 

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Yup, managed a couple of hours last night, fantastically clear (once my eyes had adapted - no thanks to teenagers roaming around the house leaving lights on, as they do).

Had a good look at Jupiter m43, M42, resolved Trapezium to six stars, then went on to find M1 - which I was pretty chuffed with actually!   :smiley:  :smiley:  :smiley:

Still having problems with the Skysurfer RDF - i think the baader mount moves slightly, so will have to tinker with it.

Any way, just really nice to be out and bonding with my scope at last.

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I've had a couple of amazing nights (Thursday and Friday) on Thursday I had my goto set up like I've never managed before and I was all over the skies like a man possessed. I'm finding the M82 supernova fascinating and I always seem to come back to it. Then I had to drag myself away to watch the aurora.

Last night I stayed out until Saturn was visible, I have trees on my southern horizon so I had to wait until it was above them around 04:30, it was certainly worth it. It's absolutely amazing to look at that point of light through your scope and see the unmistakeable shape emerge. I can't wait until it's visible at a decent time of night.

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Yes finally a couple of reasonable nights even if it was still dodging a bit of cloud over a two hour period each night. Didn't get much in the photos but I'm slowly (yes very slowly) finding new objects to look for after starting out in Jupiter, M43, M45 (which I absolutely love to see in the EP), Andromeda (which I find within second with the bins) and I found M44 for the first time last night (thanks to a post on here made me look for it).

I know I have a lot to learn and find but with only having a mainly southerly facing sky on our housing estate so can't even see the horizon I'm limited which in some ways makes you concentrate of finding the objects in the limitations of your viewing rather than scanning the whole skies.

When we actually get a whole good night forecast then I will take the 10 minute drive down the road to more open and dark skies. Just don't fancy lugging all my kit for what could turn out as a 30 minute viewing at the moment.

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