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11HD with Focal Reducer and OAG?

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I just purchased the .7x focal reducer for my Celestron Edge HD along with the off axis auto guider. The reducer is a monster, it's a big chunk of glass and it's heavy. The OAG isn't bad either. It has a helical focuser for your guide camera and I give it a solid 7 out of 10 on smoothness given a feathertouch being a 10. The OAG came with a bunch of adapters, I believe it was about seven in total. My plan is to use my Orion SSAG in the guider port and a Canon T3i Full Spectrum DSLR as my main imager. Now I mainly purchased the focal reducer for it's speed and hoping it will be a little more forgiving from a focal length of 2700mm down to I believe 1965mm. The FOV isn't what I want most from it, mainly the speed. My intentions are to image galaxies like M82 and M51. I don't like a real wide field picture of galaxies, it's just my particular taste. In my little slice of heave it's been cloudy cloudy cloudy. In fact I planned on imaging this weekend but it's going to rain. So what I've been doing in the meantime is mostly tinker around with what I have and browse the web for next big thing I want ( shhhh don't tell my better half but I want the SBIG Monochrome STF 8300). One thing I found and the reason for my post is the combination of the focal reducer and OAG for the 11 and I'm assuming the 14 is that the adapter that connects the OAG to the focal reducer causes vignetting. I can understand this because the focal reducer has a large open area and the adapter kind of cones in limiting your FOV. Now I'm wondering if any of you have this same setup or came across something similar and if and how to resolve the vignetting issue. I attached an image of scope with everything on it. If you look close you will see how the adapter cones in from the OAG to the focal reducer. Any advice on how to resolve this would be appreciated.


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i just getting the off axis guider, for my 8 inch Edge HD.   I used it last night using the edge hd f7 reducer.  I did not notice any difference with the off axis guider, its fine for me.

What i do want to know is the offset distance of the prism so that i can make a field of view indicator using a star chart to show my guide camera view.  Any ideas

paul j

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