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DIY - EOS Peltier Project

Christopher Davenport

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I thought I would document my attempt at cooling my DSLR using the following kit.


I want to try get the cold part of the peltier against the body behind the screen, directly on top of the sensor.

I am not wanting to open my DSLR ... yet, with a cold finger, I will do this mod later, once the POC works.

Parts on order so far.

12V Peltier Controller


12V Thermoelectric Peltier Cooler (92 Watt)

Weight - 10g


Lightweight CPU Cooler

Weight - 113g


600D Dslr lcd attachment


Weight - +- 20g (attachment only)

I am going to need some insulation around the outside of peltier and cooler, which seals against the back of the DSLR.

I was thinking of using neoprene for this, something like a yoga mat.

I was thinking of using something like a cable tie to connect the cooler to the peltier and the DSLR attachment.

Other options are glue, weld, ... open to suggestions.

I may need to add more stuff as I experiment, but as usual, I am going to need help for the community.

Will post again once I have made a bit of progress, or inevitably get stuck :)

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