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Andromeda M31 remastered

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Here's a remastered version of Andromeda I took back in September last year:


Kit as per the sig, DSLR at prime focus, 6x 4 mins and 2x 8 mins at ISO800, darks, flats and bias.  Actually the core didn't burn out even with the 8 min exposures, so I just let pixinsight normalise and integrate them all together.

I actually took lots more subs than this, but learnt an important lesson about PHD - I'd managed to pick one of a double star as a guide star (optical or real I don't know) - flat graph in PHD and the scope wasn't complaining, but I did notice that PHD was flicking focus from one star to the other, and then on inspection of the subs, found about 10 of them had trailing in exactly the same angle and distance as the double star - argh !

Processed completely in Pixinsight  - I would welcome constructive criticism and suggestions, as I'm trying to get a robust workflow together.

And yes, I need a coma corrector !

Here was my first attempt at processing it, that I was never particularly proud of.  An awkward mix of noise, background blotch and clipped detail, and man, those colours...


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