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Leo Triplet of galaxies


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First light from my TV NP127is tonight, most time was spent making everything work and sorting out autofocus etc., I didn't get much time for actual images :(  But before it went cloudy I got some lumincence data on the Leo Triplet, 3x15mins with an Atik 490EX - in dire need of some flat frames (which I don't have) because I've never seen so many dust bunnies. Still, it's a start.



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The second image of the night was of M82, seeing as I've been waiting 5 weeks to catch it I though I'd make the best of it. However the clouds rolled in before I could finish so this is an odd concoction of Ha, green and Luminance data, sythesised colour image. It does show the supernova but it appears to be fading to me. This is a 100% crop from a much larger image.



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