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DSS & PixInsight comparison... Strange Result!


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I've just downloaded a demo of PixInsight and tried processing some (pretty crappy) pics of Orion Nebula... (please keep in mind these were a first attempt - using only a dslr, tripod and 70-300mm zoom)...

Anyway - with DSS I used all the Subs, plus a stack of Darks & Bias frames.... but with PixInsight I just used the Subs (no Darks or Bias frames - not because I wanted to, I just wasn't sure what to do with them in PixInsight!)

If you look at the side by side comparison below - the PixInsight version seems considerably better.... is this because PixInsight 'is' better or was I just not getting the best out of DSS... should I be able to get similar results from DSS?

PixInsight Vs DSS

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I've just downloaded a demo of PixInsight and tried processing some (pretty crappy) pics of Orion Nebula... (please keep in mind these were a first attempt - using only a dslr, tripod and 70-300mm zoom)...

Anyway - with DSS I used all the Subs, plus a stack of Darks & Bias frames.... but with PixInsight I just used the Subs (no Darks or Bias frames - not because I wanted to, I just wasn't sure what to do with them in PixInsight!)

If you look at the side by side comparison below - the PixInsight version seems considerably better.... is this because PixInsight 'is' better or was I just not getting the best out of DSS... should I be able to get similar results from DSS?

Have these been stretched after stacking? The background in the right image is heavily clipped.



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yes - both images have been stretched... as you can tell I'm not experienced in either software... but it seemed obvious (from the first stretch) that PixInsight had done a better job.... what really surprised me though - was that it did this without the aid of Darks & Bias frames.... 

So - my question is... is PixInsight much better software, or am I just really bad with DSS?

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...the heavy clipping is down to my (over) stretching

If you have used PS for stretching then adjust the levels so that the backgrounds have the same value, use the left eyedropper and set the shadows to a value of 30 for both, then examine the stacks, for comparing you'd need a level playing field. You should also consider that incorrectly taken calibration frames can actually make matters worst.



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