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Orion AutoGuider Refractor Telescope Package

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Hi guys, can anyone tell me if it is possible to fit an  Orion  AutoGuider Refractor Telescope Package  to my Celestron CPC 800 Edgehd scope , to be honest I probably don't need it now as ime just starting out , its just that I have the money for it and i know if i leave it , it will be spent on other things, that my wife thinks is more important, I would just like to put it all together so i can start using it when i am ready :).

Many Thanks


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I'd say spend it on something you're going to use now, like a really good EP. I'm in a similar newbie boat, and would simply love to get in to more of the AP side of things, but I realise I'd be wasting money until, A) The bug caught me good and proper. And B) I'd have more of an idea what I wanted to image (Planet/DSO etc) from Observing experience, and C) more experience with your scope, and it's capabilities.

No doubt there'll be someone with vastly more experience in these sort of things to guide you more accurately. Just adding my few penneth I've learnt recently.


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