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My setup rocks


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I'm busy photographing M45 and never has my setup been so smooth.

1. The cloud cleared after dark, so I was setting up in the dark. no problem! My new SkyWatcher power tank has a bright light so I can check the setup area for doggie-do and other hazards.

2. Photographing DSOs requires polar alignment, and although the 4SE has a wedge it does not have a polar scope. But tonight was my first outing for my NexStar 4SE Polar Scope Attachment Doodad (N4PSAD). The N4PSAD is my own invention and allows improved polar alignment of 4SE mounts. Patent pending. It's a bit of wood and a red dot finder. It beats guessing, my former method :-)

3. Focus on Jupiter - my 100mm lens snaps to focus so well I can see the moons!

4. Slew to Pleiades. Wait, where did all this cloud come from?

5. Wait pathetically for cloud to clear. No luck.

6. Move everything back to cover.

7. Cloud clears. Repeat steps 1 to 4.

8. Start the intervalometer. Go inside for a cup of coffee. Watch QI.

9. Remember I needed to replace the SD card in the camera - its full.

10. Demount camera. Replace memory card. Repeat steps 1 to 4. Repeat step 8...

Isn't astronomy relaxing!

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Sounds great.  In astro-photography, if nothing goes wrong, you're not trying hard enough.   Those occasions where, after

fighting equipment, weather, light pollution, physics and operator stupidity, a great image results make it all worth the battle.

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