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Artemis query?


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I've been trialling Maxim for imaging/guiding but the guiding started playing up so I went back to Artemis for the imaging. Since Christmas I have been taking spectra using first Astroart and recently Maxim with no problems with my Atik 314 and new spectroscope. The other night after using Artemis I couldn't understand why my spectra looked different and it turns out that I now have to select the 180deg flip in Artemis to get the spectra the right way round and I'm wondering why that is as the other software took the images the right way round, any ideas please?



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How is 'the right way way round' definded in spectroscopy? I don't know.

With the camera aligned along RA and Dec, counterweights east, in a refractor, I think the normal image orientation in Artemis comes out correctly orientated. Ah, this is done with the Atik label on the back of the camera upside down and parallel with the sadde plate when viewed from the back. This gives a Portrait format.

In the end isn't it all arbitrary?


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Hi Olly

Its the relation between the spectroscope grating axis and the ccd. They should be set up to show a wavelength increasing from left to right on screen. I took a  spectrum of that new SN in m82 posted here http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/206711-sn-in-m82-270114/ and it just didn`t look right. I used an older neon spectrum to calibrate it and it was only when I took a new spectrum of a neon calibration lamp using Artemis that it showed all the neon spectral lines on the left of the screen instead of the right. For some reason Artemis shows the spectrum the other way round, I just have to select `rotate by 180degs` I just wondered why Artemis did it?



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