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DSLR AP Quick First Go


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Well I got the 2x Barlows and adapter for my EOS 300D delivered today and much to my amazement got a short period of clear skies (well cloud rolling in and out) this evening.

So after initially testing the camera on the scope indoors just looking through the front window down the road at the lights to get the feel of things all was packed up due to poor light.

Now they say smoking is bad for your health, but it does have some benefits. With regular trips outside you spot when the clouds part when you wouldn't normally think of going out. As it looked quite clear (still with cloud about) I quickly got everything out again and was able to line up to Jupiter no problems. So with the DSLR attached and a remote release I started shooting away at all different shutter speeds.

Below is one of the images I got which was shot at 1/10 second. Now after a bit of searching about I've found that I should have been at least at 1/20 if not even faster.I'm not too bothered about the image being so small (yes larger would be nice) but would like to get more detail.

I have the Astromaster 130EQ no MD. Any thoughts?


Also have a cheap webcam I've stripped back, didn't get time to try this outside but doesn't like the darker images when I did the test from indoors. May work with lunar and Jupiter but will have to see.

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