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and i thought choosing a scope was hard...

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hello all!


well, it's time for another beginner question…and i've done all my research, read a ton of relevant posts with loads of good opinion on the subject that's causing me nightmares...

and yet i still feel the need to ask the same question that's been asked 100 times already! i know you guys are more than willing to help out and have loads of patience for us newcomers, but i cringe when i say this…

it's the old eyepiece upgrade question again.


i won't go on and on. suffice to say that, having given myself a headache trying to decide how to improve on the stock EPs that came with my Skyliner 250PX, i'm thinking i'll try a few of the Celestron X-Cel LX range.

from what i can gather, these will perform well enough for the money in an F4.7?


i've also read good things about BST Starguiders and Maxvisions though, and don't really want to spend more than £100 per EP (so no mention of TV or Pentax please, the taxman already took a nasty chunk out of me this month!)

i know there are good bargains out there for those who wait, but i'd rather buy new than 2nd hand…and despite thinking i could sort myself out and not have to ask for help, i need to ask for help!


i could go on & on with questions but i'll leave it there and just say i'm after some yays or nays on the suitability of the above for an F4.7 scope.

like they say in church - if anyone here knows any reason why this man and this Celestron X-Cel LX eyepiece should not be married - speak now or forever hold your peace  :)




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ok so i'm busy re-reading my post and worrying maybe i'd said something out of place & offended everyone on SGL!

(i know i get a bit wordy, but hey i'm new & enthusiastic! and probably trying too hard to make my posts an enjoyable read)

then of course i noticed the part that says "speak now or forever hold your peace" ...and it hit me!

it means you all think that Celestron X-Cel LXs are a decent choice for my beloved 250PX!

that'll teach me to waffle on & not be direct…well if just one of you could give a nod or some sign that this isn't a big mistake, i really would be grateful!

(it's all very well doing your research etc but as a beginner, you can't beat a yes or no from the folks who know…)



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Hi Rich,

I bought a new scope at the end of last year and it came with a 10mm and 25mm ep. The 25mm was OK but the 10mm was truly shocking.

I invested in a couple of Celestron X-Cel LX ep's and the 2x Barlow and wow - what a difference. Money well spent - massive difference especially at higher magnifications.

Good value for money in my book.

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Hi Rich,

I bought a new scope at the end of last year and it came with a 10mm and 25mm ep. The 25mm was OK but the 10mm was truly shocking.

I invested in a couple of Celestron X-Cel LX ep's and the 2x Barlow and wow - what a difference. Money well spent - massive difference especially at higher magnifications.

Good value for money in my book.

hey thanks skipperbilly!

for a newcomer there's so much technical info to take into account, was just after a bit of reassurance that's all.

but i imagine it can get a bit tiresome answering the same old questions!

so your reply is much appreciated :)


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Hi Mpm, (hope you don't mind the abbreviation :)), I totally know what you are talking about! I have spent the last month reading over and over about EP's, eye relief, focal length, FOV, exit pupils etc etc. Even though I am now pretty confident I understand all the various bits and pieces, I, like you, just wanted some reassurance before clicking that "buy now" button.

What I think the problem (probably not the correct word) boils down to is this; there are a lot of good EP's out there and differences can be so subtle that from one eye to another the differences will also be very subtle. I personally liken it to a set of clubs, or a cue or any type of sport where you have a tool that mates you to the action of the sport, a lot of people will recommend a good one but each will have his or her own comfort around it....essentially you have to dip your toe in the water to find out if it's your temperature :) 

Another way to look at it, when you combine all the different factors, measurements and specifications and then map that ultimately to a subjective reasoning tool like the brain you get a massively broad variety of result variables....hence the reason you will see many posts that offer many different examples of a users experience with an EP. 

I am new though so am not speaking with authority, I have suffered your pain and gravitated to "If most people offer mostly good experiences then chances are I'm good to click "buy now"". If the worst comes to the worst there is nothing like a bad purchase to make sure you don't waste your money down this long and expensive road in the future :)

I too like to waffle a bit, good hunting :)

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Hi Mpm, (hope you don't mind the abbreviation :)), I totally know what you are talking about! I have spent the last month reading over and over about EP's, eye relief, focal length, FOV, exit pupils etc etc. Even though I am now pretty confident I understand all the various bits and pieces, I, like you, just wanted some reassurance before clicking that "buy now" button.

What I think the problem (probably not the correct word) boils down to is this; there are a lot of good EP's out there and differences can be so subtle that from one eye to another the differences will also be very subtle. I personally liken it to a set of clubs, or a cue or any type of sport where you have a tool that mates you to the action of the sport, a lot of people will recommend a good one but each will have his or her own comfort around it....essentially you have to dip your toe in the water to find out if it's your temperature :)

Another way to look at it, when you combine all the different factors, measurements and specifications and then map that ultimately to a subjective reasoning tool like the brain you get a massively broad variety of result variables....hence the reason you will see many posts that offer many different examples of a users experience with an EP. 

I am new though so am not speaking with authority, I have suffered your pain and gravitated to "If most people offer mostly good experiences then chances are I'm good to click "buy now"". If the worst comes to the worst there is nothing like a bad purchase to make sure you don't waste your money down this long and expensive road in the future :)

I too like to waffle a bit, good hunting :)

thanks moo! (hope you don't mind the abbreviation)

i totally agree, it's a real headache when you're just starting out - especially if you don't have a background in photography/optics…but to be honest it was the broad variety of experience i was after!

i think i just hit a lull in the regulars' enthusiasm for replying to what is, after all, the next most-asked newcomer question after 'what scope should i get?'...

as it happens i've had some really good advice elsewhere on SGL tonight and new EPs have finally been bought & paid for :)

totally different to the ones i'd planned on getting too, which totally justifies asking in the first place...



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