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Well managed a twenty minute session on the patio with some LP (neighbours light on, street light 120 meters away) and limited viewing.  And I hadn't set up the sighter/finder.  And I didn't know how all the twiddle bits worked or what they did.  And I knew the clouds where rolling in from the west.  And due to all that all I found was Vega.


It was like getting off a bike and into a Rolls Royce.  Everything was rock steady.  When you touched it nothing moved.  No waiting for the vibration to stop.  And with the controls it glided effortlessly across the sky.  And the focuser brought the stars into perfect - well focus.  I was using my Tele Vue 32mm which is a lovely eye piece but of course I use that with my other scopes.

There were just more stars in the sky  :grin:

Get the feeling when I am familar with the bits, have the finder lined up, and have more time then this will really add to my (and family and friends) enjoyment  :cool:

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Well final report.  Chuffed to bits.  Yes I had time to set it up tonight and it is a good night.  But the backyard is equally not my dark place.  Lots of neibourly lights  :rolleyes:

But the view is spectacular.  Real detail.  Lots of stars - little tiny stars I hadn't seen before.  And the Pleiades, well I swear blind I can see nebula near Alcyone  :grin:  

At f5 it was said that it may not be great for planets but Jupiter and the moons put on a great show.  I went from 32mm down to 9mm with 2 and a bit Bowden.  And that was early on when it wasn't fully dark.  

The controls make it a pleasure and the big finder scope adds to it except when looking high in the sky.

I'll try and be honest:  if I'd paid £600 I might be a little disappointed but at three hundred I see it as a bargain.  And while it is big and I live in a small house it is manageable.  

And I reckon it will keep me happy for a number of years  :cool:

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