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1st attempt at AP with no scope and a 800d

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Not bad, now try doing the same but take perhaps 20 of the same image, and then load them into a program like DSS (Deep Sky Stacker, which is free.) Also, take the same number of frames (roughly) but with the lens cap on, keep the same settings, exactly as before, but with the cap on. This is known as a 'dark' frame and will take care of the fuzziness (noise) in the picture, as well as removing hot pixels.

Follow the steps in the software, loading your images of the pleiades ( or whatever target you choose) into the 'light frames' section on the left panel, then do the same with your 'dark' frames, but load them into the 'dark frames' section. Then click on 'check all'.

Click on register your pictures and to start with, just click ok, and then ok again for the software to start.

The resulting image will then need to be altered a little by moving the little sliders around but you'll find every target will need different levels of movement on the sliders. Have a play until you find something you're happy with.

Good luck!

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I will definitely try that.  I have had some luck in registax with Jupiter on my 6se with a cheap microscope webcam.  Seems with star images there is a lot of noise that I get and I think you just gave me the info in needed on why.  Hopefully no wind or clouds here tonight and ill give er a go.  Thanks again!

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