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First Jupiter


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Hi guys and girls,

Please allow me to share my first proper attempt at a Jupiter pic.

This was taken as follows;

3 min avi taken with sharpcap using a modded xbox360 5 quid camera in a 2x barlow.

Registax, taking a thousand frames from it.

Explorer 150p on an eq3-2 (dual motors) with the az4 steel tripod.

On my budget setup i'm amazed with what i've managed!

Please share any thoughts



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Hi Steve,

Much better than my first attempt at Jupiter with an Xbox cam, you can see the banding nice and clear.

Have you tried the RGB balance on Registax to see if you can get the colours a bit more natural?

Well done!

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I'm still learning it to, so many different options

Instructions to balance the RGB:

Once you have stacked the image and are on the wavelet tab, Click the RGB balance button (right hand side, under functions).

A new panel should pop up. Click auto balance and it should reduce the red hue of the planet.

Make sure you post any reprocessing images :grin:

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I do prefer the second go at the image, how about yourself?

Next thing I would suggest learning in Registax is how to apply wavelets (if you haven't already done so). The best way I can describe it is you can use wavelets to retrieve more detail than a stacked image alone provides.

I do have a few images on my gallery of a before and after shot of Jupiter and the settings I used for the wavelets to give you a basis to start from. I'm not an expert on using them so best if you learn from someone who knows fully what there talking about :smiley:

Anyway your definitely heading in the right direction, your now on the slippery slope of wanting that little bit more with each improvement you make in your images of the planets :grin:

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Thanks Rob,

Yes, much happier with it. There is definitely improvement to the colours.

I'll do some more research in to registax. I'll be having another go at Jupiter in a couple of weeks (weather permitting) when the Moon has got itself out of the way.

I'm already wanting bigger and better :)

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