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Return to the skies with a birthday boy


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Today is my eldest son's 3rd birthday.  Between him, his younger brother and moving house I've not had much time for star gazing recently. 

However, Alfie has taken quite an interest in the Moon. Especially as recently it is often visible before his bed time.  So a few days ago I told him we could have a look at it through Daddy's telescope.   Of course as soon as I mentioned this it clouded over.  Cloudy skies are disappointing at the best of times, but doubly so when a nearly-3-year-old is involved.

But today, and nicely for his birthday, the sky was clear.  So, while he massaged lumps of Play doh into representations of family members I went to the garage to dig out the 130p Heritage Flex-tube.  I found it behind the golf clubs and covered in dust formed from the remnants of my free time.  

To be frank the scope needed a wipe down before I was going to put my one fully functional eye anywhere near it, and doing so I noticed that the primary mirror was not looking so great.  Oh well how bad could it be?  Setting up in the garden I pointed the RDF at the moon and hoped it would get me near enough.  Using the 20mm EP I set about focusing.  All the way in - nothing.  All the way out - nothing.  Hmmm.  Check tube fully extended on both sides.  Nothing.  Oh dear, perhaps the mirror really is that bad.  Wish I hadn't mentioned the telescope to Alfie. 

Unless.... Yup that will be the dust cover still in place.   Hoping that nobody was watching I removed the cover and fetched out the offspring.  

It was definitely worth it.  Alfie described the moon as "white and bumpy" 

My wife even came out for a look.   She also said that I could get a bigger telescope as long as it was "educational".

And the way I see it, if I am outside all night looking at stars the chances of us having another free time hoovering up child are greatly diminished. Right?

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