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First GRS


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Hi all, really naf image of Jupiter but its the first time I've caught the GRS, I'd set up and was ready to go but it clouded over... So I thought do I give up or persevere... Had to up the gain to 70 to pierce the occasional thinning in the clouds.

Asi120mc on 150 mak

3000 frames, used 800 autostakkert and Registax wavelets.

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Well regardless of the result at least you manage to get out and you managed to get the GRS for a first time... what ever the final image looks like it's a great feeling to capture it. I must say it is hard to beat but once you get a night when the GRS is there, you get a moon transit/shadow, good seeing and a few hours of clear skies it is just incredible!! Hopefully we will all manage to get clear skies as we get really close to opposition. :smiley:  

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Did a small experiment... Copied the 3000 frame avi and saved it with a different name... Combined the copy with the original in pipp to get a 6000 frame avi. Then processed again in autostakkert and Registax but with 1.5 drizzle.

I do like to experiment :-)

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