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IDAS MFA Filter with Full-frame DSLR?


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Having done my due diligence and searched a concrete answer, I thought I'd ask those among the forum who may have already used this equipment.

I'm in the market for an LP filter, I'll be imaging with a Canon 6D DSLR (unmodded) to start with and I'd like to be able to image with lenses as well as scopes if at all possible.

The two products that seem to fit this bill are the Astronomik EOS Clip-in Filter and the IDAS MFA Filter Adaptor Kit

The first product I know for sure will not work with full-frame cameras, presumably the mirror would slam into the filter, but the second one is a little trickier. The documentation doesn't include any full-frame cameras as compatible which does not bode well, but it is compatible with EF lenses which are full-frame, and not with EF-S crop lenses.

Does this mean these filters can only be used with EF lenses on an APS-C cropped sensor body? 

If this is the case, I guess I'll need to just image through scopes and forget lens AP for a while, unless anyone can suggest a good alternative?

All the best,


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Hi PAul,

It's not compatible - I have them both ...

Astronomik are releasing a new range of "clip-in" filters for the full frame camera..they dont quite cover the whole sensor but fit into the body and don't interfere with the mirror...

I'll dig out a link

Here you go...


I'll try and find a UK supplier... 356Astronomy are listing them...



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You sir are my new man of the hour. I am not certain how I'd missed the appearance of a full-frame filter, thank you for the links.

Now, no good deed going unpunished I now have to ask; between the IDAS and the CLS clip-ins, which do you find gets the best results?

Since the prices are now into three figures I have to balance going whole hog on an IDAS P2/D1 2" and just using the APO, but if the CLS is just as good I can stick with that and gain the use of my wide-angles.

I am slightly alarmed by the installation method, locking up the mirror like that and pressing the filter into the mirrorbox space... you wouldn't want to forget about it and put the camera away  :shocked:

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