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Lovejoy's fascinating green corona.

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Probably like many of you, I was bitterly disappointed that the sun seems to have killed off Ison.

I turned my attention to Lovejoy. I even got up at 5am today because the sky was supposed to be clear...doh! It only cleared when the twilight was sufficiently bright to hide the comet.

With nothing better to do, I turned my attention to the reason for its green glow. I just thought I'd tell you what I found, in case some of you weren't aware of the reason behind the colour.

Primarily, the strong green spike in its spectrum is caused by diatomic carbon. It turns out that this form of carbon is pretty special. it is found in certain gas and dust clouds around the galaxy and under the right kind of circumstances it will react with small molecules (also present in these clouds) to form more complex compounds up to and including amino acids, the basic proteins of life, though the latter step seems to take some sort of additional energy from impacts. Comets like Lovejoy with so much of this diatomic carbon could well have been responsible for triggering off life on Earth, Mars, Europa and any other suitable planet elsewhere in the galaxy.

I am getting increasingly fascinated by these objects, which have the added bonus of being beautiful to observe...when its not so flipping cloudy in Cumbria.

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Neat , thanks for posting.

Seen Lovejoy quite a few times. I just peer out of the window at 4 or 5 am . If it's clearing then I set up. Had a wonderful view this morning through the 200 Dob at x48 and x150. It is easily found at x8 in binoculars if we get

Clear skies,


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Where is LoveJoy at now I'm gonna try this weekend if its clear?

Here's a good link. It tells you where to look. I had a go tonight and saw a fuzzy blob...the damn sky was just getting hazy. i'm waiting for others on the site to say if they agree that I saw it.


P.S. thanks cotterless! you just had to tell me what a great view you had, while I was staring in frustration at the clouds this morning! Only kidding...it must have been great through a 200 dob. I suppose I'll do ok with a 130 Newtonion at x90 or x180...that's if the sky ever clears itself up around here!

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