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High performance telescope....NOT


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Funny enough - one of my very early scopes years back was almost a replica of that one. For somebody who   knew how to look at the moon only at that point, it was a stunning view. Now...well..you tell me!! :D

Technically, this is a 90mm scope I reckon, so the 337x power is ...well...not that exaggerated if you enjoy blurry views. In all fairness, it's within a reasonable limit. I remember the National Geographic 70mm reflector I once had. It said 525x magnification power on the box. It could easily dwarf any compact Mak or SCT... :D

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I was speaking to a child yesterday and he told me his parents had bought him for 'Los Reyes' a telescope, eyepieces, mount and microscope set from a huge supermarket chain for around €100. He asked me what he was going to be able to see and I told him a fair amount but not to expect too much from its probabilistic performance outcome. I really wanted to tell the little chap that it was probably going to be rubbish and if only his parents had informed themselves a little better and bought a cheaper but better quality dob. My unvoiced concern is that with such things on the market, good willing and loving parents unknowingly spend a lot of dough on relative trash, and young, open minded, intelligent and free enquiring children are left a tad disappointed with their gift and unless they've got serious amounts of perserverance, all too often end up turning on to quicker fix hobbies such as gaming and tweeting.

Just like adverts used to say about pets not being just for Xmas, I feel we ought to set up a similar warning about telescopes :grin:

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I love the mount - it's alt/az and eq apparently and it's also good for astrophotography with it's manual dual axis controls??

Slightly over exaggerated description methinks but may be a spot better than most of the fleabay stuff.

SnS sell it with a full video demo here :


For what it is the Liddl price does look a lot better - probably a lot closer to actual value. :)

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I love the mount - it's alt/az and eq apparently and it's also good for astrophotography with it's manual dual axis controls??

Slightly over exaggerated description methinks but may be a spot better than most of the fleabay stuff.

SnS sell it with a full video demo here :


For what it is the Liddl price does look a lot better - probably a lot closer to actual value. :)

Regardless, I might actually buy it as a Xmas present for somebody. :)

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