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Baader Sky Surfer V5 40mm RDF


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Hiya all,

Has anyone used the RDF in the link below ? :smiley:  I would be interested to know how it performs, how much it weighs etc ...

I am contemplating getting one as a back up should I run out of power and be unable to use the Starsense.

I do have a small Celestron RDF but with it being so dinky and plastic it looks out of place on my scope :smiley:


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Hey Shaun,

I own the Skysurfer V and it is a solid well built serious piece of gear. For whatever reason I have always preferred rdf's to actual telescopic finders. The V is all metal with a couple of dew/lightsheilds which screw into either end of the main finder. Weightwise I don't know, but i'm sure if you go on the Baader website then you will be able to find out. There are so many great features with it with around 10 different light levels, so you will be guaranteed to get the correct brightness to match with what you are observing. It comes with a couple of see-through caps which are connected with elastic (I prefer to leave them on while observing) as it cuts down on potential problems with dew. Also comes with metal mounting shoe and riser platform. I am already sold on Baader products anyway. They are so innovative with really clever features and the Skysurfer V is one of them. very, very well made and it really does look like a sight off a rifle, but that isn't the reason you should buy it. The reason you should buy it is because it is a very good piece of kit. Here is a pic of my C.25 with the Skysurfer V attached, so you can get an idea of scale.



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Cheers Malc,

That's good enough for me, I have always liked using RDF's and have never had any trouble using them.

I will order one later tonight :smiley:

Great looking set up you have there :grin:

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No worries, Shaun. Yeah, I like the rdf's  better. The V is pricey, but you get what you pay for. Seems like we are gonna end up with virtually identical rigs at this rate as pretty soon I am going to have the StarSense as well.

It has taken me a long time to get everything together, but I am pleased with it. Just a few more bits and bobs to get then the missus should be happy. :wink:

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