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Problems with Prcessing Meade CCD..would you like to try?

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Hi Folks,

Instead of using my canon 350D, I,am still trying to find out how to use this ccd from Meade....

The weather turned out good the other day, so now the time for a wee go at my new Toy...

Up till now , the Photo,s  could be a lot better than I expected, but I now this hobby needs a lot of patience...

So maybe you Lad,s & Lassies could have a wee go at processing the Photo,s that came out..

They are RGBL Filters.... Hope I can manage to load them up... 

I appreciate any help in this direction..

Cu John..





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Just a quick attempt during my lunch break John...

In all your images there are artefacts caused by electronic read noise, thermal gradient from "Amp Glow" and hot pixels, which is to be expected with a non-cooled camera, so you will need bias and dark frames to remove these from your future images, also loads of "dust bunnies" so you will need to take flats as well or thoroughly clean the camera first.

I used Pixinsight to remove the gradients and combined colour in Photoshop as well as used the healing tool to remove the dust artefacts, I've left the image the same size as before and didn't try to upscale plus only posted a JPEG.

All the same, it's not a bad result for your first attempt with the camera.



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Hallo William, first thanks for your  reply, and really good result...

I must admit, on the night I went outside,  it was really cold, and I had no interest in staying out any longer. hence no Bias, Flats etc, ( I need more practice on doing these)

As you well know, using the filters, I had to repeat the same procedure a few times, which meant long johns & ear muffs.. I did not know that the CCD emits electronic noise.. I noticed that there is a option on the software , which  subtracts the darks, so I need  some sort of work flow on this.

But many thanks , you made a good Job of the Fits Datei..... maybe one of these days I will get that far..

Greetings from Hamburg

Cu John

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Hi John, here is my final attempt on your data, I had a little time this morning waiting for a parcel delivery that of course didn't arrive...

I ran your colour files through a noise reduction routine after gradient removal in PixInsight and then attacked that gamma ray strike on the large star above the nebula, finally colour combination, levels adjusted and dust bunnies removed with the healing brush in Photoshop, managed to bring out the correct colour of the core structure a little better this time.

I've attached a JPEG and FITS file for you this time.




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Hi William,

you have done a good Job on M27...

I suppose I need to learn a bit more about Photoshop, or pixinsight..

I quite like pixinsight, had a go at it a few months ago, its my next investment..

Tryed M27 Last night , with new changes on the ccd software, I will try tonight after work and see how things turn out..

Thanks again mate..

Hope you send over some clear skys..

Cu John

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